Senin, 10 Juni 2013

The War Be Between a Part of Competition

What difference between politic and economy.
"lamun politik ngaji jelmaanna, lamun ekonomi ngaji duitna, da barangna mah keur dihakan."

Rule as view in daily body function without learning. Law as view in Jet Lee body function with learning. Are this point is true? maybe.

All war with angry, but all competition with will without it's angry.
This is if somebody was been angry with other, reflectly he/she fight that other self. Then if somebody was can to be angry of other it's body, he/she will can to do warring other his/her body of man. In that time, he/she is being a competitor, then the other to do his/her angry birth by mean as a psycho of the community. A war not same with fight.
All war with rule but The fight with law without it's rule. Any war to be between part of a competition.
Someone can fighting other it's body easily with any interest of group (two or much). But there are hard in war without act of theological. In case, a war being by truthworthy. By sample, How if a man united their both body out of truthworthy. A war is not like that, your seing is false. Then why someone that fight so easy to kill other, but hard if he/she exist in war. A war in doing of selves so if like that their angry birth is falses.
The Act of Theological
A history that was not falsed is just been in religion, anylegion. That history been without any matterial history as gold and silver. In live of human been one question that follow their existence, How a man aknowledger their creator? In religion, these are am I been a ways. A ways to be come to god is been 1) sonship, 2) fathership, 3) mothership, 4) Lordness, 5) Godness.
Godness was come with profethics (124.000 body name). Lordness was come with messengers (313 book name) by power of angel human. Mothership was come by ray of Huwo/E.V.E (No name). Fathership was come by glow of Adam (One name). Sonship was and will coming by borning of Holy Allah (all religion). There is mean of speaking god, "The god just One, but begining of man is twice, then all man creation being in thy born, thy glass of tube. That is like of live not death of Orc". If a reader not understanding this ways, Go! to any  religion author then request that five ways.
If a human see a religion in this world, so the key of their religion just five that last. One way difference with other way. In Islam a ways called by "Thoriqot" (go to Allah of Muhammad) that exist in First "Rukun Islam as Syahadatain". Any act of theological was been about orcing body of man - human and women. Believe or Not. Any orc correlated with death (al-maut) and live (al-hayat). Al-maut is any matter body of human that borrowed from ord in thy creation, example ferit in blood, C-14 timer. Al-hayat is any water body of human that borrowed from angel sky in thy creation, no example or solar plexius. God in qur'an said, "Allah who created life and death to test you, which of you is a better charity". In chines believeness there is same mean with defined 'al-hayat' and 'al-maut' as Yin (Al-Amin Paraclet) and Yang (Al-Qudus Paraclet) too Dji (live matter/speaking self) and Chi (live water/viewing self). O' when a money is secret of course that  is very secret. Believe or Not Believe. To who if somebody back after death or live? I mean, to one of that five. This is hard responsibility of man.
The Act of Ideological
By which competition, an ideology go to it's polis. in fact, if someone already has an ideology, he would very easily suggesting others to be followers. Ideology means the idea that knowledge has already become followers. All ideological is a learning profit before somebody be a teacher. Then a teacher use his/her ideology as his/her secret instrument.
There is four biggest ideology in world and the other is low. First, Theism in capitalized industry. Second, Atheism in socialized industry. Third, organizm in corporated people. Fourth, tradism in cooperated company (ex. managementism). Are not a body go out from that four ideology? if do, so  no land, no people, no goods, no money. If be, so other ideology.
That view of point, are a hole is continous? to what? war aren't or fight aren't?By which competition, an ideology go to it's polis. THE...BY...THERE...THAT VIEW OF POINT.
  • Instability:
  • war talent; war baby
  • war tatto; war stemp
  • war page; war trustee
  • war tempo (i.e. last war of Indonesian (400 year)); war fever
  • war crime; war act

  • Stability:
  • war chest; Debitment or Creditment
  • war bond; Debitment or Creditment
  • war fare; Debitment or Creditment
  • war surp; Debitment or Creditment

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Uang Kerja Internet: Using Name Inside Bussiness

Uang Kerja Internet: Using Name Inside Bussiness: Atas Nama dalam Bussiness   Anjing Menggonggong Kafilah Berlalu, Orang gila harta dibiarkan berusaha akan lelah tubuhnya ...

Uang Kerja Internet: Using Name Inside Bussiness

Uang Kerja Internet: Using Name Inside Bussiness: Atas Nama dalam Bussiness   Anjing Menggonggong Kafilah Berlalu, Orang gila harta dibiarkan berusaha akan lelah tubuhnya ...

Using Name Inside Bussiness

Atas Nama dalam Bussiness
Anjing Menggonggong Kafilah Berlalu, Orang gila harta dibiarkan berusaha akan lelah tubuhnya
“Ternyata, sedekat-dekatnya kebangsaan manusia, tetap kalah oleh sex-nya. Jadi palsulah ide globalisasi itu. Ternyata hanya ada lima spesies manusia sementara tumbuhan dan hewan berjuta-juta. Tidak malu sih, sebab manusia ada di piramida tertinggi. Tetapi Pengecut, sementara mereka kaya dan kuat. "A God side in foreground of The face, The He”. Kenapa terjadi? Pemerasan dengan atas nama hanya untuk ton’s gold yang tidak pernah tumbuhan dan hewan menyiasatinya.
“Akuntansi Negara dengan orang-orang professional, telah mengalami reside dari 25 kg (The Holland) ukuran menjadi ton’s gold (The Amric). Apakah benar zero account itu. Ketidakmungkinan sudah diuji dengan darah dan nyawa, 25 kg untuk harga Nol, ialah emas si Untung itu (The Holland). Monas Benar-benar Warga Negara Sejati. Original Human Right.”
“Bagaimana sosialisme Indonesia menjadi managemental bukan organism, sebab petani dibiarkan mengupah dirinya dengan makanannya. Bagaiman jika capitalism Indonesia hanya mempunyai dua pilihan; Papan Catur, atau Game bukankah itu Kilogram Monas atau Ton’s Gold. Bukankah wajar dari 250 juta person hanya sepapan catur yang menjajakan emasnya, bukan rupiahnya. Atau baiklah, 250 juta person menjajakan emas-emasnya bukan mengedarkan rupiahnya.. Bukankah tidak malu tetapi menjadi kebanggaan takala dua polis berjualan emas sementara banyak resornya menunggu untuk diberi nafkah, tetapi mengapa sulit memutuskannya. The Big Boss. Cinta bule dan sipit. Padahal setiap boss mendidik untuk mandiri. Ternyata, sedekat-dekatnya kebangsaan manusia, tetap kalah oleh sex-nya. Jadi palsulah ide globalisasi itu. Pemerasan dengan atas nama hanya untuk ton’s rice.”
Dalam satu privacy statement Microsoft untuk Asia dan South Fasifik misalnya, adalah statement yang beralasan (claused state) “regardless of conflict of laws” dan “unless your country is specifically called out. Terkadang sebagai masyarakat Asia, penulis suka bertanya-tanya:”Are crazing a law, for what clause a law been?” sebelum menuliskan “Ternyata, sedekat-dekatnya kebangsaan manusia, tetap kalah oleh sex-nya. Jadi palsulah ide globalisasi itu. Pemerasan dengan atas nama hanya untuk ton’s money. Bukankah prinsip statement private tersebut, ’Melepaskan diri dari hukum sendiri yang sudah dikonvensikan”. Dalam satu pepatah indo disebutkan,”Kodok hendak menjadi kerbau, pecah ketuban juga”. Pada prinsip bisnis mereka,” Jika diberi mesti diterima, Jika dijual mesti dibeli, Jika dibeli mesti dijual, Jika diminta mesti diberikan.” tetapi kenyataannya pepatah tersebut hanya berlaku dalam etika bisnis makro, sebab jika terjadi dalam binis mikro mungkin hal tersebut menjadi pemaksaan atau pemerasan. Pada pernyataan selanjutnya, ada tanda Tanya,”dengan privasi apa sebuah bangsa atau negara keluar, apalagi jika dikhususkan”. Kemudian status apa yang dibawa suatu perusahaan untuk menghadapi perusahaan besar seperti Negara Indonesia, sebab semua privasi dilindungi undang-undang terlepas dari relasi bisnisnya atau kekeluargaannya. Penggunaan nama suatu bangsa atau Negara tidak sebanding dengan kepentingan perusahaan bahkan dengan wujud perusahaan itu sendiri. Setiap Negara mempunyai instrument administrasi nama rakyat, bahkan nama-nama anak kecil mereka, member Negara itu. Kemudian dengan apa perusahaan dapat mengeluarkan suatu Negara dari tubuh, yang bahkan regenerasi membernya pun tidak pasti.
Pada prinsipnya, penggunaan nama terdiri dari dua 1) penggunaan nama umum, yaitu atas nama bangsa, dan 2) penggunaan nama khusus, yaitu atas nama anggota. Sementara penggunaan nama organisasi sebagai Negara atau bagiannya sudah diatur dalam hukum Internasional (Prokreasi beside Indonesia Country). Dalam sejarahnya, penggunaan nama untuk industri atau untuk bisnis besar dalam system apapun; capitalism, socialism, cooperative, dan corporation, sebagai victitious berikut:
What difference ,
Undername of Julius Caesar.
Undername of Mingzhou Dynasty.
Undername of Indonesian People (WNI-WNA)== Indonesian (face) People (Body)== Bangsa Indonesia
Undername of African People
Undername of Arabian People
Undername of American People
Undername of Chiness  People
By Name of  The Lord of People
By Name of  The God of Universe
Kekayaan dan kekuasaan manusia didukung energy potensialnya, sederhana sebagai atas nama di atas. tetapi penggunaan nama itu, jangan sampai ‘senjata makan tuan’ bunuh diri hasilnya seperti Moses (pentateque) mengajarkan “Maka bunuhlah diri-diri kalian, itu lebih baik di sisi pembebas kalian”. Air adalah diam tetapi jika tertiup angin tsunami akan datang. Api adalah diam tetapi jika bertambah bahan akan menjadi ledakan. Krisis dan Resesi hanya dua sifatnya, dingin dan panas sementara konflik selalu mengiringi keduanya. Jika tidak, politikus tidak akan bekerja. Tidak bekerja tidak mendapat upahnya. Tidak ada upah tidak makan perutnya. Semua tipu daya yang  terjadi dalam kehidupan politik dan ekonomi.
Bagi penghendak bisnis dengan aturan Indonesia, hendaknya menimbang penggunaan nama baik itu. Bukankah tidak diberi barang tidak berharga uang. Tidak ada uang tidak ada otoritas. Tidak ada otoritas, pengusaha hanyalah pendosa. Ketika urutan itu terjadi, orang akan menebak mereka sebagai pencuri, penjudi, dan pembunuh, atau penjual tubuh, anak dan saudaranya. Semua tipu daya yang  terjadi dalam kehidupan politik dan ekonomi.
Kepantasan status dalam nama baik sangat dietiskan. Semisal anda punya perusahaan besar dengan asset 2 bilyun dollar, kemudian anda menggunakan nama baik presiden dan wakilnya, Apakah pantas sementara kedua otoritas itu memegang asset yang tidak ternilai; wilayah; hukum; rakyat; dan organisasi bangsanya?. Hal yang wajar dalam etika bisnis, ketika anda bersahaja atau terhina.  Ingatlah, semua orang bekerja. Ketika penulis menuliskan blog ini, penulis mengeluarkan biaya, bukan mereka yang membayar. Dalam sisi negative, Ketika orang berencana tipu daya, orang lain sudah mencari kerja. Ketika seseorang menginginkan keluar dari otoritas atas nama, Negaranya sudah memberikan hak azasi manusia. Ketika bangsa-bangsa menilai rupiah tidak berharga, Tuhan memberi kehidupan dengan rupiah itu. Serba NULL, ternyata pengetahuan manusia tidak seujung kuku-Nya, “Kodok hendak menjadi Kerbau, Real hendak menjadi Virtue, Live hendak berharga SaTu."
Dunia adalah nyata, kemayaan hanya teknik saja. Ketika US mencetak dolar, Federal berjalan kaki mengirim uang. Ketika Mesin ATM berjalan, Polisi memasukkan uang. Ketika seseorang mencuri, pengemis sedang meminta. Dalam kenyataan bisnis banyak transaksi yang etikanya sangat dalam, misalnya: SMAD AV. Mereka memberi jasa kepada orang lain, tetapi meminta donasi dari orang lain. Artinya secara hukum Smad AV itu sudah punya hak untuk dibayar, tetapi mereka bertindak sebagai pengemis. Itulah sopan santun usaha, bukan etika hukum. Hukum dijalani dengan sadar sementara bisnis (usaha) ada dalam bawah sadar, autosensorik.
Advertishment (Their Bad Bussiness)
Advertishing (My Bad Bussiness)
Office            : Unknown
Adress           : Indonesia
Telp.              : Unknown
Website         :
Fax./Email    :
Undername   : Unauthority
Company      : Published without private corporation   (Yayasan[chief]/Daerah Istimewa [Kingdom]).
Untuk di sini, anda tidak mendapat bukunya. Saya tidak memastikan anda dapat bekerja. Hanya melihat saja..
Donasikan uang anda ke rekening saya:
Nama Lengkap: Deni Kurnia Irawan
NIK: 3210022101790001
Organisasi/Corporation: Belum Terbentuk
Nama Bank: Mandiri KCP Majalengka Talaga
Jenis Kartu: Debit
No. Rekening : 134-00-0704299-6
People Undername: Undername Deni Kurnia Irawan, Indonesia, “Your Company”.
Contoh: U.N. Deni Kurnia Irawan, Microsoft Corporation.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Uang Kerja Internet: Only Religion Falseth

Uang Kerja Internet: Only Religion Falseth: Sinner Logical   “The False From Human” I mam Malik (900 M) argued, "just right, between false and true". in Boolean logic ...

Only Religion Falseth

Sinner Logical  “The False From Human”
Imam Malik (900 M) argued, "just right, between false and true". in Boolean logic (1950M), Right = False and True. In this blog, How falses deceitful is that?
Sin in its history, the already have a system that contains five elements. Elements that's affecting the body so it is not sacred or no thing truth. Five of these sins are as follows:
Sin 1: Steal without a contract
Sin 2: Gamble without legacy
Sin 3: Drunk without remembering The Lord
Sin 4: Intercourse without marriage
Sin 5: Kill without war
Is when a man,  human and women body, is a perfect five for their sins. Then so the logic raised his until his body will be running a rather heathen (eviled). Human cadavers are petrified or locked like iron orc (roboth). Then too the body of knowledge so silent from his book. The body was not able to think of the truth. All sinner can see consciously or dream as reality of their bodies.
Sin logic is set up in each religion as duplicity of human truth. All law comes from God only from God. A sinner, the reality of man is always interpreted all fake. The sense that logic came from Sin on themselves. All law comes from God only from God while mans can not upon the Lord upon whom they like.
Here were some of the falsehoods that always accompany the life of the sinner, that is:
The first false, in fact, "it hurt, if every sinner has been blamed by the dining needs of the cause. All human right have been extended for the needs of eating it by any authority.All right reserved. Don't blame them with their food but their rules justic of their lives. The jury, "this is a heavy system in human riht  with low education and judgment of the sinner. While there is no need to farm for them, as a freedom on the side of their knowledge”. There is falsehood if someone want to help them.
The second false, "There are two paths of human life. The first education and then if it doesn't work then the second path with the judgment. every street both have different levels of life in the whole of human life. In the way of sin, is a long journey towards God man – no matter their accompanied by science or law-while the berserikan body 100 years of age. In fact, "if any sinner was just passed to their body, with mean us medichines. then why they are coming to their father of religion not to the kingdom or the government ". This view is shooting a falses of human life.
The third false, "All the sinner will ask someone outside herself to not be him". Falsehood was heredited and is always taught to people around them. Is a condition that markedly as the worst that they have become a community that allianced by a Lord  in this world. Damaged lives in a paradise that existed before the face of God. Did Mars do not live without trees and animals, water and oxygen. Or the Earth is not a perfect being for heaven of mansano.
The fourth false, it’s reality of decision thought sinner in living humans. Something spun with the cycle of sin as their quick decision, "All the false mind spinning as a decision to steal, gamble, hangover, intercourse, or kill. On all think cycles thought like that, there is no truth that can be inferred. All law comes from God only of God, while a sinner always deny the punishment of God. "A praying in religion just end but a begining was been a sin logic. " Like this start happening in the business world of the internet, the danger of being hit. While a hell was been with that sinner logical.
If a man can restrain itself from the logic of the sinner, then truth will continue to come into itself. The truth is simple. And after the truth that absorb into the human body, the man can be seen from the human angle.

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Uang Kerja Internet: How Privacy Statement

Uang Kerja Internet: How Privacy Statement: What a Right? Boolean state, "The Right is My True and My False". He coming with Null logic 0\1=Boolean then the numbers was en...

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Bangsa Campuran: Miracle of Homo Live

Bangsa Campuran: Miracle of Homo Live: Earth, a one globe of Heaven in Kingdom of Sun has four wonderful idea in the history of humanity. The first is the idea of ' ...

Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Bangsa Campuran: Motivation by Thruthness

Bangsa Campuran: Motivation by Thruthness: D enis Waitly- in Seeds Greatness (1983) - exposes a shocking research results. It is said that 60 percent of our worries are actually fund...

Motivation by Thruthness

Denis Waitly-in Seeds Greatness (1983)- exposes a shocking research results. It is said that 60 percent of our worries are actually fundamental, absolutely no fear that never became reality. As much as 20 percent of the errors we were focused on the past, entirely outside of our control. While 10 percent of our concern is based on things that are so trivial so it doesn't make a difference in our lives. Of the remaining 10 percent, only 4 to 5 per cent fear it deems reasonable. This Denis Statistics was showed that any time or energy we devote to it concerns completely pointless and unproductive 95 percent, even as it places that make us reluctant to start something.
Lessons can be drawn from the above research is, if you've started something (obviously based on careful consideration) is turning off all chances to come back. Some of the "appeal" that attracts us to return is nostalgic attachment to the mind and the success of the past and may still be relived with all its convenience. The appeal of such make our minds a little more collapses the guts to accept the challenge that is in our eyes. That is, words that often appear in such conditions are: "first" or "wish".
In fact, when we have to travel the route changes, go back to the beginning of the dietary restrictions unless experiencing things that are beyond human control and planning. This is what was once spoken by Isabel Moore, "life is like a one-way street. How much did change the route You traveled, no one will take you back. Whenever you acknowledge and accept that, life will seem to be much simpler. "
Started at the beginning of the year, good planning is the basis of the activity of a strong, clear vision is helping direct the activities effectively and efficiently, while the commitment to go ahead we will experience somethings that are unexpected, truthly is acceleration form for completing of the planned tasks.
In company anonymous, the results of the meetings has produced a strategic decision. It's time to execute (spelled out, socialized, and implemented) wisely. Inhibits of execution certainly will hinder the performance of the company towards better circles, let alone contemplate again carry out work that is not added. Although the principle of "No Back" is having various risks, but careful planning is the proportional to anticipate a number of risks.
Events-General Julius Caesar over at once reminiscent of an illustration of someone crossing a suspension bridge. So he came across, he took fire and burn the bridge so that though he was confronted with the beast or anything harm. He will not be back but continue to deal with it. If too heavy, just to do change the travel route. Let's "burn bridges", i.e. everything that makes us go back and retroactively to go forward. That matters not from where we started, but rather where we end up. This is what describes who we really are.

Bisnis Amrik dan Indo

Apa bedanya kerja di Indonesia dan Amerika?
Indonesia dan Amerika mempunyai persamaan sistem,yaitu Corporation, tetapi sistem itu terbalik. Seorang Indo akan melihat lowongan pekerjaannya, sementara seorang Amrik akan melihat lowongan upahnya (seeking reward). Apa yang orang pahami adalah kenyataan dari sistem usaha yang benar berlaku sesuai hukumnya. Life Style, atau gaya hidup begitu mempengaruhi aspek-aspek ideal, yang secara empiris banyak merugikan. Hal tersebut seperti anda belanja beras dengan rupiah tetapi tangan anda menerima kue yang didagangkan dengan dollar. Banyak virtualisasi yang meningkatkan fantasi anda, melampaui fakta dihadapan mata anda sendiri.
Penataan ekonomi di Amerika dan negara maju lainnya seperti China, Saudi Arabia sudah mencapai Health distribution, atau pemerataan kesehatan jasmani yang banyak diartikan dengan 'kepuasan pelanggan'. Pada distribusi seperti itu, Asuransi tenaga kerja dan Pensiun tenaga kerja, sudah teratur. sehingga orang-orang menawar kelebihan dari gosennya.
Berbeda dengan Indonesia, Strata upah Indonesia adalah Struktural-Fungsional. Artinya, rata-rata penghasilan masyarakat mendistribusi kepada Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Semakin struktural-fungsional PNS, distribusi semakin rata. Distribusi seperti itu disebut dengan pemerataan kekayaan (Wealth Distribution). Anda dapat membayangkan, berapa triliyun uang rupiah yang diedarkan oleh PNS setiap bulannya, hingga ke pelosok-pelosok desa. Itulah penstrataan upah itu. Jika seorang pedagang mengedarkan barangnya setiap hari, maka seorang sipil mengedarkan uangnya setiap hari. Setiap hari memproduksi setiap hari mengkonsumsi.
Sangat disayangkan, nilai distribusi struktural-fungsional semakin jauh dari dasar aturannya. Padahal, untuk membangun suatu perusahaan besar, sebesar negara ini tidak secepat anda membangun Perusahaan Terbatas. Kebijaksanaan pemerintah dan pengusaha dalam distribusi upah diatas sangat diutamakan. Coba anda banyangkan, berapa orang A1, A2, sepertinya laksana tidak ada.
Seandainya anda orang Indonesia, apakah sistem anda dapat mengeluarkan anda dari distribusi pendapatan di atas. Jika tidak, jangan sekali-kali anda menghendaki perubahan pokok sistemnya. Jangan sampai jati menjadi lumut, malu hasilnya.

Domain Komputer di Indonesia

Sistem Nama Komputer (DNS)
Websites mempunyai dua alamat jalanan, disebut URL dan IP address. Pengguna internet menggunakan URLserver untuk menemukan websites, tetapi komputer-komputer menggunakan IP addresses untuk menemukan websites. DNS server (web hosting) menerjemahkan URLs ke ISP addresses. Contoh, ketika anda menulis di kotak pencari alamat dalam google, komputer itu mengirim pesan ulang ke Server DNS. Kemudian server DNS menerjemahkan URL itu kedalam alamat ISP. Begitulah komputer menemukan website microsoft yang anda tulis. Umpama terjemahan computer seperti Url: = IPa: DNS (Domain Name Sistem), di Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Top Level Domain (Komputer Pokok Atasan)
  • Top level domain di Indonesia adalah url akhiran website yang dipakai oleh pemerintah (dot go) dan koperasi (dot co), sesuai peraturan hukum yang berlaku. Domain internasional bernama ‘dot id (.id) singkatan dari ‘Indonesia’, seperti contoh: dan . Jadi, singkatan dari ‘Government of Indonesia dan singkatan dari ‘Cooperative of Indonesia’.
  • Down Level Domain (Komputer Pokok Anggota)
  • Down Level Domain di Indonesia adalah url akhiran website yang dipakai oleh public korporasi (masyarakat), seharusnya, baik individu maupun kelompok. Idealnya (menurut landasan idiil), domain anggota berakhiran ‘dot web’ singkatan dari webpage, ‘dot or/ .or’ singkatan dari organisasi, dan ‘dot edu/.edu’ singkatan dari edukasi. Tetapi pada operasionalnya, kebanyakan domain anggota berakhiran ‘dot com/.com’ singkatan dari company, dan ‘dot net/.net’ singkatan dari network, sebab system pengajaran computer terdahulu dan kebiasaan public, juga service dari Internet Provider Indonesia yang terhubung langsung ke dunia maya.
    Dasar Networking Korporasi (Himpunan Komputer Kelompok)
    Sebagaimana anda mengetahui kerakyatan Indonesia, anda mengetahui mereka senang berkelompok, belajar bersama, dan berpenghasilan sendiri-sendiri. Hal ini, menimbulkan pengaturan oleh atasan computer dengan domain .web, .org, .edu. Oleh karena itu, ada tiga penghimpunan data, yaitu 1) data pribadi, 2) data organisasi, dan 3) data pengajaran (artikle dan sebagainya). Konsepsi dasar seperti ini sangat penting, lebih penting dari computer itu sendiri, bukan permasalahan biaya sebab computer bisa dirakit murah, tetapi data.
    Bagaimana konsepsi itu terbentuk dalam networking?. Anda harus memahami elektronik mail. Potensi Indonesia, mereka memiliki beribu kelompok organisasi yang pasti beribu-ribu data yang harus disimpan, bukan masalah uang sebab uang dianggarkan atasan computer.
    Korporasi menjadikan suatu system usaha terhubung satu dengan lainnya tanpa terbatas tempat dan waktu di kepulauan ini. Tanpa batas artinya anda harus siap kerja ekstra, interaksi bangsa, dan komunikasi bahasa daerah. Disinilah fungsi besar elektronik mail, sebelum latah berbahasa daerah lain anda pakai nasionalisme anda dengan surat.
    Jalur data (byte) dan Jalur akses (puls), adalah jalur yang saling berlawanan. Input data adalah hardisk, flasdisk, diskette dan input lain yang tersambung dengan fisik computer. Jalur akses adalah jalur yang tersambung melalui network dengan seperangkat drivernya (software alat). Satu network dengan network lain terhubung melalui melalui radio ke server dengan perangkat wireless atau secara langsung dengan Ethernet/kabel data. Nah, server satu dengan lainnya terhubung melalui ISP (Internet Service Provider) dengan satelit melalui modem dan kartunya. Modem dan kartu inilah yang memodulasi dan meresonansi satellite.
    Ketika anda membuat website dan anda ingin online, anda harus membeli atau menyewa Nama Domain dari Internet Provider (biasanya produsen modem dan kartu). Tetapi di Indonesia anda harus membeli atau menyewa URL (banyak diperoleh dari website gratis seperti blogger, dan lainnya) sementara modem dan kartu dapat menggunakan Handphone yang mendukung. Sebagai contoh, ketika anda mendaftar ke blogger, misalnya dengan nama ‘indoduit’ maka anda akan mendapat URL sebagai berikut : contoh lainnya seperti , dan
    Dalam hal Sistem Nama Komputer di Indonesia, ada tiga hal yang harus anda kerjakan, yaitu 1) membeli kartu dan modem; 2) mendaftarkan nama site anda seperti di atas; dan 3) menyeting computer anda sebagai computer network. Yang perlu dipertimbangkan, bahwa Indonesia sepertinya akan dibentuk menjadi system network terbesar se Asia karena system Indonesia memungkinkan perusahan menjadi raksasa.
    Jika anda berniat untuk online, sebaiknya investasi pertama adalah untuk tiga hal di atas, kemudian bermitra dengan pengusaha online. Dan jika anda tidak berniat untuk online, sebaiknya anda menggunakan jasa rental computer atau internet mengingat servis yang masih sempit, baik untuk hardware maupun software terutama di daerah; juga kompetensi rata-rata operator komputernya.

    Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

    How Privacy Statement

    What a Right?
    Boolean state, "The Right is My True and My False". He coming with Null logic 0\1=Boolean then the numbers was ended.
    What is a difference work and job in business? it’s be, as there are working such as farm, it job to beg and soo plant rice. All working build a groups while any resource need it’s jobs. Each group seeking these company where as a resourse seeking his reward “. All the effort and work outside of the script is colonial and rodi. Colonial is a privacy and rodi also privacy. All colonial set in the criminal law (Pidana) while rodi set in people code (Perdata). This criminal associated with mandated corporate person on behalf of the civil cooperative corresponds to a household name. Are not all of these a privacy statement? Yes, but privacy related to a country outside the legal origin. Core privacy, "Rule over the world should be abolished because it is not in accordance with the humanitarian and beurs balancing as UEA Budget". In terms of privacy, the Capitalian will always be herding it people to colonize, for her privacy. and too socialises will hold the rodi for their privacy while Indonesian will hold the status of country as privacy law, but just Arabian have god privacy with their secrets and condition.
    The Act is Human, not the Rightness of copy, trade marks, and patient. A Copy, a Trade, and a Patent will be deleted automatically if the clash with human right. Isn't it yourself more valuable than the book that you writed, instrument that you calculated, and the bread that you created, Or yourself cheaper than all that, your own creation. Creation is a curse to mankind, jealeus womb of humans with their same that was motivate any profit being without requesting.
    The current time, many human rights risk with lossing of copy, trade marks, and patient. But many people said, "it would be madness of this country's law". False Conclution, The seller humanright, isn't it?. Colonial and resourse sprouts. Socialisme and capitalisme in sense adaptation coming from the United Kingdom and China Public, bigges fasism in world. It is not simple for an insight into the world act of humanright. The best action, You must work for them if this sense animate you. Why? There is no answer, you are so easy to fool the nation with your own understand when you are in the way. Capitalism in the sense of indonesian is copyright of ' my money ' where as humanitarian socialism beside Indonesia is patient of "our stuff". All capitalism and socialism builder in Indonesia is Commercial Law and Tionghoa Code of Ethnis, both legacy origin. First important for trader coming to this country, then if not so please out from this country, Need or Not.
    Much person act they privacy to do author then they educate a generation to be term of “ Personality Growing to be King and Prince” and “ Community building to be Country”. This is all time of human right was you sein, every kind of human source, but not fast. Then if someone want to be faster, so his action is “Capital Game” or ‘The Hobbit Unexpected Journal”, Jealeus womb, are not? Yes, am I, thruthness that falsed after I am.